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Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
Nov 10, 20202 min read
What is Conscious Birth?
Conscious Birth is a very intelligent approach to our species' procreation, where people-making practice is approached responsibly, with...
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Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
May 11, 202015 min read
Elena's Speech from "Healthy Birth, Healthy Earth" Conference
Findhorn, September 2016 Birth should not be taken out of the context of Life. Birth is like a hologram, it reflects everything that...
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Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
May 4, 20203 min read
Fathers in the Delivery Room
Michele Odent, an influential Doctor from France recently came out with an article suggesting that fathers no longer be present at their...
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Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
Apr 27, 202011 min read
Consideration of the effects of C-Section births
Correspondence between Elena and readers in regards to C-section scenes shown in "Birth As We Know It" & the lack of research on effects...
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Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
Apr 20, 202021 min read
Circumcision and Medical Association recommendations Officials Weigh Circumcision to Fight H.I.V. Risk By Roni Caryn Rabin, 2009, New...
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Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
Apr 13, 202015 min read
The Question Might Seem Simple
"I hope this information will inspire birth educators to help pregnant women realize that they have the power to create for themselves a...
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Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
Mar 31, 202032 min read
"The latest studies in the field of prenatal psychology show undoubtedly the direct correlation between the quality and characteristics...
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Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
Mar 5, 20202 min read
Introduction to Conscious Birth
"Conscious Birth is about meaningful, purposeful procreation" The process of exploring ourselves can become deeply confusing as we...
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Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
Jan 14, 20159 min read
The Limbic Imprint - In Spanish (Impronta Limbica)
¿Qué significado tiene el comprender la importancia de una gestación y de un parto felices y saludables? ¿Por qué es fundamental eliminar...
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Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
Jun 29, 20147 min read
The Limbic Imprint - In Polish (Ślad Pamięciowy w Układzie Limbicznym)
Dlaczego jest to istotne, aby zrozumieć jak ważny jest zdrowy, szczęśliwy okres ciąży oraz poród? Dlaczego tak ważnym jest zrobić...
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Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
Jan 27, 201416 min read
The Limbic Imprint - In German (Neukodierung der limbischen Prägung)
Warum ist es so wichtig, die Bedeutung und Tragweite einer gesunden Schwangerschaft und Geburt zu verstehen? Warum ist es wichtig, alles...
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Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
Nov 6, 20068 min read
The Limbic Imprint
Your Limbic Imprint is your emotional nest. Why is it critical for us to understand the importance of healthy, happy gestation and birth?...
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