Facilitator-in-Training San Francisco, United States Sue ‘Truth’ Irwin aka 'The Consciousness Doctor' is a Birth into Being Facilitator-in-Training, Transformational Therapist, visionary, Life Coach, hypnotherapist, conscious breathing facilitator, Avatar Master, ordained metaphysical minister and speaker. Sue has been studying and practicing various forms of transformational process since 1983. 415-377-5156 suetruthirwin@gmail.com

Facilitator-in-Training Oakland, California ts never to late to have a happy birth! The portals of birth (and death) are the most important and poorly understood initiations in our western culture. By radically changing the way that we support Families in the birthing process we can make profound and lasting changes in the quality of life on this planet with the least amount of effort. As Elena says, "Change is only one generation away!" 415-408-8106 info@livingbridges.net

Facilitator-in-Training / CAO Canada Edmonton, Alberta, Canada For the past 25 years of my life I have been focussed to varying degrees on letting my soul shine through. I wouldn't have described it that way in the early going, then I just knew that life was on the other side of what was between my soul and life. For me that was pain. Locked in my body as tension, stiffness and armouring was emotional and physical pain. 1 (780) 432-3732 ross@hiddendynamics.com

Facilitator-in-Training Los Angeles Constantia Tielbeke has been a Licensed Holistic Bodyworker since 1999 and in 2004 she founded an Aquatic Healing Oasis in Southern California. Her many healing modalities include: Esalen massage, Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Emotional Release and Polarity Therapy. Since 2001, the healing quality of water became her main passion and she has continued on to become an aquatic therapist in Healing Dance 1 (310) 869-5313 2012topangahorses@gmail.com
