Senior Facilitator / CEO of Birth Into Being Nicole lives by the sea, on an intentional community in rural Australia. Homebirth Mother of two - facilitator, filmmaker, writer, performing artist, public speaker... She has been an oxytocin enthusiast and natural birth passionista since her own life changing birth experiences in 2002. Facilitating groups, couples, individuals (in person or online) +61 447 353 297 Nicole@birthintobeing.com.au

Advanced Facilitator Australia Melissa currently lives by the beach in Far North Queensland, Australia with her two beautiful children. She is a Mother, Birth Keeper and a Birth Into Being Practitioner. Melissa’s biggest passions are the Ocean and Conscious Birth. Her own initiations into motherhood in 2007 and 2009, brought a huge awakening on the importance of conceiving and birthing our children in love. Working as a Birth Doula since 2009 61(0)457129516 melaardema@gmail.com

Advanced Facilitator New Caledonia Sylvie Galiléa Jonckeau is a mother of 2 boys who's life transformed after being introduced to Birth Into Being and experiencing a blissful home birth for her second child. Since she has been passionately bringing Birth Into Being method to the world sharing her knowledge as well as her experience. She is a workshop facilitator, doula, energetic healer, TCM practitioner with a scientific background. +687 73 53 33 birthintobeingnc@gmail.com

Facilitator-in-Training New Zeland The birth of my son Oliver in 1989 was an awakening experience, the ecstatic high of my life. This experience changed my life. I have been an ecstatic explorer ever since. I passionately offer these explorations as a contribution to the joyful self-empowerment of us all. I offer: Birth Preparation for Groups and Individuals Weekend Birthshops One on One “Re-Coding the Limbic Imprint” sessions Birthing Dance 00649810808 joygreenlake@yahoo.co.uk