What is Conscious Birth?
Conscious Birth is a very intelligent approach to our species' procreation, where people-making practice is approached responsibly, with...
What is Conscious Birth?
Conscious Pro-Creation
Evolve into Love
How Dreams Come True
The Relevance of Cognitive Dissonance Theory to the Movement to Ban Corporal Punishment,...
"Birth As We Know It" Film Screening Packages
Birth As We Know It Presentation, Pranafest 2014
Letter to Neal Donald Walsh
Second Hand Abuse
Freedom from Addictions
GMOs possible connection with birth complications in Indonesia
The Nervous System of Earth
Conscious Parenting
Evolve into Love
Wedding Blessing
Letter to Michael
Abortion: The importance of supporting mothers who don’t want to have a baby
Conscious Pro Creation
Elena's Speech from "Healthy Birth, Healthy Earth" Conference
Fathers in the Delivery Room