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Counting My Blessings

Updated: May 19, 2021

Birth into Being blog - Counting my blessings

Blessed be the time when I was scared, and the time when I was brave, when I was poor, young, old, gorgeous and ugly, generous, jealous, kind, silly,

forgiving, forgetful and everything I EVER was...

Blessed be the time when I became an enlightened Buddha and knew compassion and spaciousness. Blessed be the time when I became the Great Inquisitor and knew the hell of separation. Blessed be the time when I became Jesus Christ and knew Love and surrender. Blessed be the time when I became Adolf Hitler and was completely numb and crippled in my heart.

Blessed be the time when I was Aphrodite and knew my senses and my sex. Blessed be the time when I was Mother Mary and knew the magic of creation. Blessed be the time when I was Josef Stalin and knew the ultimate corruption of Power. Blessed be the time when I was accused of witchcraft and burnt at the stake. Blessed be the time when I was a champion, adored by the crowd.

Blessed be the time when I was a gypsy and had no land of my own. Blessed be the time when I was a soldier for hire and raped women. Blessed be the time when I was Helen of Troy and caused wars. Blessed be the time when I was Gandhi and stopped wars. Blessed be the time when I was discovering science. Blessed be the time when I was burning books and homes. Blessed be the time when I was a greedy lord of a big province. Blessed be the time when I was a farm girl and knew my herbs and my seasons.

Blessed be the time when all of them were me, and helped me know right from wrong, feel human and alive. Blessed be the time when the Divine Feminine became me and I had to give away my power because I did not know how to use it in the world of men and witnessed the damage I was causing. Blessed be the time when I was overwhelmed by my responsibilities and dropped out of the game. Blessed be the time when I did not know better and let the darkness prevail.

Blessed be the time when I remembered who I am, whole and complete, and still in one piece. And blessed IS the time when I feel ready to hold the torch HIGH

And see the way.

by Elena Tonetti


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