Willow Proctor, Canadian, living in Germany
10 years ago, my goal professionally was to work towards 100% self employment with work I fully love. I believed, it MUST be possible. This goal slowly manifested. These are the unique ways of working which have filled my heart with meaning: I give thanks for the gifts of being with wonderful teams, wonderful teachers and wonderful Ways. I especially give thanks to my beloved daughters who have danced this dance with me through the years.
Birth Into Being Advanced Facilitator
Ayurvedic and Deep Tissue Body Worker
Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Bachelor of Biological Science
Conscious Pregnancy Workshop Facilitator
Home Birth Doula
Circleway Family Camp Organiser and Teaching
Circleway Network, Public Relations
Tribal Gathering Organiser
Peace Keeper
Community Member
Mother of 2
Sweat Lodge Care Giver
Blessing Ways for Pregnant Women
Clan Host and Leader

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
Mark Twain